Very rare
Seared on the outside, so that all protrusions are sealed. 100% raw in the middle. It should be soft and without resistance to the touch.
Seared on the outside and 75% raw in the middle. It should be soft and slightly resistant to the touch.
Medium rare
Seared on the outside and 50% raw in the middle. It should be pretty soft, especially at the center of the touch.
Seared on the outside and 25% raw in the middle. Internal temperature from 63º to 68º C. It should be resistant and flexible to the touch.
Medium well
5 minutes each side. Seared on the outside and pink in the middle. Internal temperature from 72º to 77ºC. It should be firm and slightly springy to the touch.
Well done
6 or more minutes on each side. 100% brown in the middle. Internal Temperature of 77º C or more. It should be very firm to the touch.